MSC Trouble Shooting

Updated on May 19, 2017 by Sales Team

Experiencing one of these issues?

  1. The video is stuck on loading
  2. How do I change my password?
  3. I forgot my password
  4. Why is name and address information missing on my certificate?

The course is stuck on loading

Here are some common steps to troubleshoot issue with courses loading:

  1. Is you internet conenction is working? A course module should never take more than a few seconds to load. You can check your internet connection speed at
  2. What Internet browser are you using? We only support these common browsers:

If you’re using one of the supported browsers and still having issues, try another browser from the list.

How do I change my password?

You can change your password by choosing the Edit Profile option in the My Account drop-down:

Edit Profile Link

Enter your new password into both password fields and press save.

User Information section

I forgot my password

You can reset your password from the login page by clicking the Forgot Password link.

forgot password link

On the Forgot Password screen, enter the email address associated with you account and press Submit.

Forgot Password page

If the email provided is associated with a valid account, you will recived an email containing a link to reset your password. If no email arrives within 30 minutes or your account does not have an email address attached, please contact

If an account was created for you by a supervior or purchased and setup by someone at your company, contact that individual for assistance.

Why is name and address information missing on my certificate?

When possible we automatically enter your personal information into the completed training certificates. However, due to the strict nature of MSHA regulations, we only automatatically enter information if we have everything. Even then, it is your responsibility to review the information on your certificate for accuraccy.

In order to have your information automatically added to your training certificate, all of the following information must be present in your log in profile:

Full Name

  1. First Name
  2. Middle Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Suffix

What if I don’t have a middle name or suffix?

If you do not have a middle name, enter a single space into the middle name field in your profile. If you do not have a suffix, you may leave that field blank.


  1. Location of Training
  2. Address
  3. City
  4. State
  5. Zip / Postal Code
  6. Country

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